Cap Dauphin Fishermen’s Cooperative Testimonial
Cap Dauphin Fishermen’s Cooperative Testimonial
At Fisherman Coop Cap Dauphin preserving the quality of our lobster has been our top priority. Since we have had an increase in membership over the past few years, it became necessary to seek out way to have more storage space to accomodate the increase in our product.
Since we did not want to invest into a new building. We strat looking for a company experienced in custom building/renovating existing lobster ponds. I can readily say that Aquabiotech Inc. did a first-rate job in increasing our lobster holding capacity from 160,000 to 550,000 lbs within the same building and same footprint.
My opinion is that these people are true professionals and easy to work with. They designed a system that is both efficient and simple to manage. Also, I feel confident the lobsters are kept in optimal conditions because these water parameters are monitored around the clock.
Aquabiotech Inc. biologists provided guidance on lobster husbandry that we all appreciated and continue togive us any pertinent information we require. I must say, that despite our years of experience, using these professionals as a guide we have become lifelong learners in the lobster industry. I warmly recommend Aquabiotech Inc. to anyone who wishes to move that one-step further in their business plan.
Yours Sincerely
Ruth Taker Thibodeau, General Managemer
Cap Dauphin Fishermen’s Cooperative