Aquarium du Québec – Marine Research Lab
Aquarium du Québec - Marine Research Lab Institution: Location: Ville de Québec, Québec, CANADA Contact: Michel Lagacé, curator; Laboratory name: DEMONSTRATION AQUACULTURE AND MARINE RESEARCH LABORATORY FOR PUBLIC DISPLAY Habitat: fresh water and sea water; Water temperature: 5° to 32° C; Number of systems: 2; Type of rearing tanks: round and fibreglass raceway tanks translucid columns for phytoplankton translucid columns for zooplankton translucid columns jellyfish culture Water recirculation level: 99.9%; Work done: Consulting system preliminary design of: biofiltration; filtration of suspended solids; feces collection through fecal trap; degassing; oxygenation; electronic security monitoring; photoperiod control space optimization; amphitheater for live & video presentations; Children marine discovery laboratory; Module...